Month: July 2018

Stacy Brookman – Resilience and Life Storytelling Expert

Stacy Brookman – Resilience and Life Storytelling Expert

Thanks for listening in to The Healing Place Podcast!

On this episode, I welcome guest Stacy Brookman, host of the Real Life Resilience Podcast, as we discuss her role as a resilience and life storytelling expert, finding clarity, her upcoming Emotional Abuse Recovery and Resilience Summit, and more! Follow the links below to learn more about Stacy, life storytelling, to register for free for the 12-day summit starting September 1st, and the FREE guide listing the 35 most impactful books for emotional abuse.

Stacy Brookman

Life Story Laboratory

FREE Guide – 35 Most Impactful Books for Emotional Abuse




Cissy White – Heal Write Now

Cissy White – Heal Write Now

Welcome Healing Place listeners!

I thoroughly enjoyed this on-air conversation with writer/activist, Cissy White, as we discussed trauma, healing, her brilliant insights and a shared connection in our philosophies on trauma-informed care.

Cis is the Northeast Region Community Facilitator for ACEs Connection and the Manager of the Parenting with ACEs Community. I’m the founder of Heal Write Now and a trauma-mama-writer-survivor who believes it’s possible to live, love and parent well after ACEs, possible but not easy. I believe taking ACEs and trauma conversations out of clinical settings can reduce shame, inspire hope and lets us learn from each other. My motto is: It’s not trauma-informed if it’s not informed by trauma survivors.

You can find out more about Cissy and her mission at the following websites:

Websites: & Parenting with ACEs:




Best Medical Appt.…od-experiences-aces/

Talking ACEs:

How Can Anyone Love Me with All My Issues:…-with-all-my-issues/

Why Survivors Need Each Other:…4-07-survivors-need/

Becoming the Woman I Needed:…-the-woman-i-needed/

Thank you for being a part of this podcast journey and a Healing Place follower.

Peace and blessings,
