Month: August 2024

Boo Trundle – A Discussion on The Daughter Ship: A Novel

Boo Trundle – A Discussion on The Daughter Ship: A Novel

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A captivating conversation with writer, artist, and performer, Boo Trundle. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Boo’s insights on writing fiction in an unconventional way
  • her personal story of trauma and sharing it through fiction
  • the utilization of therapeutic techniques in the novel
  • the submarine and parts as characters
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch our insightful interview on YouTube.


Boo Trundle

Boo Trundle is a writer, artist, and performer whose
work has appeared across various platforms and
publications, including The Brooklyn Rail,
McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, and NPR’s The Moth.
She has released three albums of original music with
Big Deal Records. She lives in New Jersey. The
Daughter Ship is her first novel.


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Teri Wellbrock and Unicorn Shadows are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, I make commission off of purchases made using any affiliate links on my site.

Edit B. Kiss – Trauma and Karma Release Strategies for a Joyful Life

Edit B. Kiss – Trauma and Karma Release Strategies for a Joyful Life

Let’s chat about your financial health here:

I love learning from enlightened souls and certainly did so during this empowering conversation with Edit B. Kiss, holistic mentor, success habit coach, #1 Best-selling author, Humanitarian Award winner, and international speaker. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Edit’s insights on stored trauma and release
  • her wisdom on ancestral karma
  • mindfulness and meditation practices
  • an understanding of mind/body/spirit connection
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch our insightful interview on YouTube.


Edit B. Kiss

Edit B Kiss is a holistic therapist, success habit coach, #1 best selling author, Humanitarian Award winner and  international speaker. She helps her clients to get healed from running mind, insomnia to gain more focus and fill the void in their hearts by raising their frequency and getting them aligned with their true selves so they can stand the storms and live their lives joyfully and reinvent themselves to the next level.  

She works with clients on releasing long-lasting pains, blockages, ancestor defects and emotional traumas so they could live fulfilled and joyful lives. She has clients from all over the world, including the United States, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Hungary, and Nigeria; these range from millionaire traders to influencers to artists. 

She was the subject of a one-hour interview on Deborah Funmi Mupapa’s “Life Assurance” podcast in which she discussed life, marriage and soul. She is an ongoing panalist on the show monthly. She was also featured on the “On the Edge with April Mahoney” podcast. She was a key presenter and panelist on “Global Hope Conference” in the topic of Covid-19 pandemic, the program will be reachable on Apple TV, Amazon Prime and Roku. “Authority Magazine” published her advices about the 5 Ways to Develop Serenity during Anxious Time. She is a co-author of the #1 bestseller “1 Habit for Entrepreneurial Success” with Forbes Riley and others. Thrive Global called her the Habit Expert, promoting her “5 Things You Need to Create Good Habits” video with her interview. She is also a co-author of the book “Soul Food” with Amy Elizabeth. She has recently been interviewed in the “Business Innovators Radio” by Mark Pooler. She also helped with healing ideas in the “Tiaras Tears and Triumphs Podcast” by Sandy J from Australia. Look for her latest book on Amazon: On the Healer’s Journey.

Edit originally was a petroleum engineer, working in the petroleum industry for 15 years before being a life-coach full time. During those years she trained to become a Reiki Master, a Sekhem Healer and a Karma Yogi Practitioner under the teaching of Karma Guru Sumant Kaul; strengthened her extra senses; and worked on several family constellation therapies. She learned life-coaching from the Satori Prime brothers (who base their work on Landmark approaches) and was trained by Bob Proctor, who is known for his appearance as a featured expert in the movie, The Secret. While living in New Zealand, she was a member of Reiki NZ Incorporated.



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Teri’s book launch team:



Teri Wellbrock and Unicorn Shadows are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, I make commission off of purchases made using any affiliate links on my site.

Dr. Diane Mueller – Mold Illness, Lyme Disease, and Functional Medicine Expert Talks Chronic Disease Recovery

Dr. Diane Mueller – Mold Illness, Lyme Disease, and Functional Medicine Expert Talks Chronic Disease Recovery

Let’s chat about your financial health here:

Oh, how I savored every word shared by Dr. Diane Mueller, nationally recognized Lyme disease, mold illness, and functional medicine expert, as well as the Founder of My Lyme Doc. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Dr, Diane’s insights on mold toxicity and Lyme disease
  • her wisdom on differentiating between the two and strategies for identifying solutions
  • her own story of survival
  • an understanding of a mind-body approach to healing
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch our insightful interview on YouTube.


Dr. Diane Mueller ND, DAOM, LAc

Living with chronic conditions like Lyme Disease and Mold Illness can be a daily battle – one that can leave you feeling hopeless and alone. You may have been misdiagnosed, underdiagnosed, or told that everything is fine when it’s not. You may have felt trapped in your own body, struggling to focus, remember and keep up with daily tasks. It’s a frustrating and overwhelming experience, one that can make you question if you’ll ever find relief.

That’s where my team and I come in. As a medical professional, I understand the struggles you’re facing because I’ve been there myself. I know the relief of finally finding answers and the reasons behind my chronic pain and suffering. I’ve used my knowledge and experience to help myself and others to find relief from the symptoms caused by Lyme Disease and Mold Illness and to help regain control of their lives. I have built my team very carefully, which each person selected because of their area of expertise, but also because of their ability to deeply understand long term chronic disease.

Unlike conventional medicine, our focus is on finding the root causes of your symptoms and treating the whole body, including the mind. We use cutting-edge functional medicine techniques, supplement protocols and meditation to help you find relief. We understand that chronic disease is almost always caused by multiple root causes and we work to find the unique solutions that work for each individual.

We know that healing from something that has dragged you down for so long is an incredible feeling. It’s time for you to start feeling like yourself again. Let us help you break free from the cycle of pain and fatigue, and start living life to the fullest. More information about all of Dr. Diane Mueller’s offerings can be found at:



Teri’s #1 book as a new-release in the Aging Parents category:

Teri’s audiobooks:

Teri’s monthly newsletter:

Teri’s book launch team:



Teri Wellbrock and Unicorn Shadows are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, I make commission off of purchases made using any affiliate links on my site.

Dr. Agam Dhawan – Level Up: Overcoming Gaming Addiction and Improving Men’s Mental Health

Dr. Agam Dhawan – Level Up: Overcoming Gaming Addiction and Improving Men’s Mental Health

Let’s chat about your financial health here:

I learned so much from psychiatrist, Dr. Agam Dhawan, who specializes in treating mental illness (depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, and video game addiction) in young men. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Dr, Agam’s insights on video game addiction
  • his own story of addiction and triumph
  • what he means by “level up”
  • an understanding of social media’s impact on dating
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch our insightful interview on YouTube.


Dr. Agam Dhawan is a psychiatrist who specializes in treating mental illness (depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD and video game addiction) in young men. It’s his mission to help young men level up their mental health, grooming, and social skills in real life, just like stats in their favorite video game. 



Teri’s #1 book as a new-release in the Aging Parents category:

Teri’s audiobooks:

Teri’s monthly newsletter:

Teri’s book launch team:



Teri Wellbrock and Unicorn Shadows are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, I make commission off of purchases made using any affiliate links on my site.

Candace Silvers – A Journey in Energy Medicine and Transformational Healing

Candace Silvers – A Journey in Energy Medicine and Transformational Healing

Let’s chat about your financial health here:

A deep dive into energy medicine and transformational healing with, Candace Silvers, a world-renowned healer, human behavioral expert, creator of the Silvers Healing Modality, and founder of the Silvers Healing Academy. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Candace’s insights on the transformational power of energy healing
  • her healing impact in 45 countries on 6 continents
  • her work guiding others as healers
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at You can also catch our insightful interview on YouTube.


Candace Silvers is a world-renowned healer, human behavioral expert, creator of the Silvers Healing Modality™, and founder of the Silvers Healing Academy™. Candace has healed thousands and thousands of people all over the world with chronic pain, digestive issues, cancer diagnoses,  hearing loss, loss of vision, and countless other serious health concerns. Throughout her life, Candace has strengthened and refined her modality to make a lasting impact on the human body medically. With her expertise in human behavior, Candace is not only an incredible healer, but she is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom, constantly channeling innovative ideas, solutions, and ways in which we can heal our bodies and our world, through a newfound awareness causing impossible to become effortless in so many ways. 

Candace teaches the gift of healing so that, within just six weeks, you can be the healer in your family. A pioneer in energy healing, Candace has trained healers in 45 Countries, on 6 Continents worldwide, including hundreds of doctors, nurses, and healthcare professionals. It is Candace’s mission to get a healer into every home. Imagine being able to heal your child’s fever within minutes or bring relief to your elderly parent who is suffering from dementia.




Gaia Documentary:


Teri’s #1 book as a new-release in the Aging Parents category:

Teri’s audiobooks:

Teri’s monthly newsletter:

Teri’s book launch team:



Teri Wellbrock and Unicorn Shadows are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In other words, I make commission off of purchases made using any affiliate links on my site.