Tag: ACEs

Mary Giuliani – Permanent Weight Loss Formula

Mary Giuliani – Permanent Weight Loss Formula

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I’m your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also watch our interview on YouTube.

I was excited to have Mary Giuliani join me for an inspirational conversation.

For the past 25 years, Master Life Coach, Transformational Talk Show Host, Speaker, and Singer & Songwriter, Mary Giuliani has dedicated her personal and professional life to inspiring and empowering her audience to listen to their hearts and be true to themselves so they can create lives they truly love.  

Mary, like many people, had a difficult childhood due to being raised in a dysfunctional family that was fueled alcohol abuse, anger and chronic tension between her parents.  She coped by soothing herself with food.  She went on to struggle with food, weight and hating her body for over 40 years reaching a top weight of 310lbs.  Fortunately after many decades of personal growth,  she finally discovered the root cause of her problem…childhood trauma.    Due to her dedication to healing on a psychological, physical, brain and relational level, Mary has been able to maintain a 160lb weight loss for the past 16 years.

She now shares her healing and transformational journey through coaching women who have also had a difficult childhood and who are currently struggling with food, weight and body issues, that in order to heal, they must address the root cause that is driving their need  to use food, childhood trauma.

Mary also shares her story of healing, recovery and transformation through her talk show, Mary Giuliani LIVE, through public speaking and through her original songs.

To work with Mary as a coachbook her as a speaker at your next event, watch her transformational talk showor listen to her original songs visit her website: MaryGiuliani.net

Peace to you all!

Hope for Healing Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/9813e51db66b/hope-for-healing-newsletter-december-2018

Book Launch Team: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unicornshadows/

Greg Williams – Shattered by the Darkness

Greg Williams – Shattered by the Darkness

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also watch our insightful interview on YouTube.

I was honored to have Dr. Greg Williams join me for a powerful conversation about his upcoming book release “Shattered by the Darkness: Putting the Pieces Back Together After Child Abuse”, his mission, personal story of triumph, and more! Per Greg’s website: “Dr. Gregory Williams has written a new book that chronicles his lifelong journey of child abuse and its aftermath. It has taken Dr. Gregory more than 30 years to begin unveiling the horrors of what happened to him throughout his entire childhood. His book recounts the sexual exploitation he endured at the hands of his own father for 12 years.” https://shatteredbythedarkness.com/

Be sure to check out these articles, highlighting Greg’s story, posted in the ACEs Connection community:

Baylor Employee Shares Story of Childhood Trauma in Hopes of Helping Others

Shattered By The Darkness: Powerful book by a humble man on a mission to prevent what happened to him from happening to other children

Baylor College of Medicine students introduced to ACEs science

Peace to you all!

Hope for Healing Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/9813e51db66b/hope-for-healing-newsletter-december-2018

Book Launch Team: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unicornshadows/

Bob Lancer – 7 Mindsets Seminar & Coaching Work

Bob Lancer – 7 Mindsets Seminar & Coaching Work

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I’m your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/

I was thrilled to engage in an insightful conversation with Bob Lancer regarding his seminar and coaching work related to http://schoolsupportmotivation.com/ and https://7mindsets.com/. Please join us as we discuss his role in:

* changing minds
* working with teachers to help liberate children’s true selves
* his work with adults recovering from abusive relationships
* 7 mindsets demonstrated by the happiest and most successful people on earth

As shared by Bob:

“Bob Lancer has been a parent educator and coach, as well as a professional development trainer for teachers, for over 3 decades. His work includes helping individuals recognize and recover from trauma patterns received in early childhood that keep them locked into self-defeating reaction patterns and intense emotional suffering. He works in association with 7Mindsets (see www.7mindsets.com), a leading edge company that delivers the only Mindsets based Social Emotional Learning programs in schools. For more information about Bob’s work, and to schedule a complimentary coaching session with him, visit www.boblancer.com.”

You can reach out to Bob at his schoolsupportmotivation.com website – be sure to mention this podcast for a free PDF of his upcoming book: “The 7 Mindsets of Extraordinary Parenting.”

Peace to you all!

Hope for Healing Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/6d83db4cf426/hope-for-healing-newsletter-november-2018

Book Launch Team: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unicornshadows/



Sarah Guilfoy – Heart to Heart

Sarah Guilfoy – Heart to Heart

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I’m your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/
I thoroughly enjoyed my connection and laughter shared with my guest Sarah Guilfoy – founder and managing director of the non-profit, Heart to Heart. Sarah’s background includes teaching, a degree in Psychology, and a personal ACEs score of 8/9 (so very similar to my own background!). Please join us as we discuss Sarah’s beautiful passion of providing a parent support line via phone, text, and email as a way of offering free emotional support for caregivers. Heart to Heart is partnered with Healthy Beginnings in the state of Oregon.

As shared from the Heart to Heart website:

“Heart to Heart is a free telephone, text, and email service for parents and others experiencing family life or parenting challenges.

This nonjudgmental service provides a listening ear, support and guidance to parents and caregivers who are upset or troubled about a family issue, or just need someone to talk to. Heart to Heart is staffed by parent volunteers. As parents, they truly understand that parenting is hard work! They are available to help ease some of that workload, by offering support.

LEARN MORE AT 541-322-2019″

Thanks for tuning in!

You can also watch our interview on YouTube. So exciting!








Emily Read Daniels – Here This Now

Emily Read Daniels – Here This Now

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I’m your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/
I loved this interview with Emily Read Daniels, founder of HereThisNow! Please join us as we discuss trauma-informed trainings, workshops, speaking, blogging, and so much more.
Emily shared the following information:
Thank you, again, for the interview this morning! It was an honor and a pleasure and I do hope we have reason to connect again.
Please find the links you mentioned:
Upcoming October 21-24th Retreat:  The Trauma Informed School 2.0 with Lara Kain
Peace to you all!
Teri Barila – Community Resilience Initiative

Teri Barila – Community Resilience Initiative

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast!

I was excited to connect with Teri Barila, Executive Director of the Community Resilience Initiative and Resilience Trumps Aces organization. On this episode of the podcast, Teri shares her insights with us in regards to the importance of building resilience in children as well as those who have ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) history. We touch on brain development, community impact, and so much more.

The CRI vision and mission are listed on their website as:


All young people thrive and parents raise their children with consistency and nurturance to develop lasting resilience in the community as a whole.


Mobilizing the community through dialogue to radically reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences while building resilience and a more effective service delivery system.

Find out more information about this inspirational organization and all they are doing to help shine the light of hope at:




Teri Barila, Executive Director, Community Resilience Initiative

Thanks for listening in! I would be oh-so-thankful if you could share the podcast, provide your feedback, and/or sign up for my monthly newsletter – all of this can be done through my website at www.teriwellbrock.com.



Jen Vertanen – Life Coach & Going There

Jen Vertanen – Life Coach & Going There

Hi all!

I was super excited to sit down with Jen Vertanen: self-described “emotional sidekick, #worldclasspodcaster, fan of uncomfortable conversations, broken + whole” on The Healing Place Podcast. Jen and I connected through ACES Connection and it was an instant soul-sista “I get you” vibe. You totally need to check out her website. I promise it will be worth the visit! Jen Vertanen website: “The frank, no-fucks given approach to dealing with your pain.” Brilliant!

We discuss her journey, transitions, mission, podcasts, and a glimpse into her trauma story, as well as what she’s doing to help other women heal. I love the idea of finding that hand to hold that works for YOU. Jen just might be the girl you need. If so, please reach out to her for a conversation.

I am excited to be joining her on an upcoming episode of her podcast, “Going There”. I’ll keep you posted when that happens.

Peace to you and remember to be gentle with yourself,


Listen in at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/ or on iTunes and Blubrry

Leslie Peters RN – Heart Talks

Leslie Peters RN – Heart Talks

Welcome everyone!

Thank you for joining me for my conversation with Leslie Peters RN. Leslie and I discuss the soon to be launched Heart Talks and Leslie Peters websites, along with an insightful discussion on trauma and trauma-recovery through sharing stories, as well as women’s empowerment after trauma. Check out Leslie’s current Women Not Alone: Conversations That Matter site.

We connected through the ACEs Connection online Community: a movement to prevent ACEs, heal trauma & build resilience. We would love to have you join us at ACEs Connection.

Peace to you along your journey!
