Tag: Claire O’Leary

Claire O’Leary – Empowered Voice Traveling Exhibit & Voices Heard E-Zine

Claire O’Leary – Empowered Voice Traveling Exhibit & Voices Heard E-Zine

I’m excited to share with you this empowering interview with Claire O’Leary, speaker, mentor, and advocate. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Claire’s e-zine Voices Heard
  • her insights on childhood sexual abuse
  • her personal journey from trauma to triumph
  • how Empowered Voices Traveling Exhibit came to be and the mission of her healing work
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also catch soundbites of our insightful interview on YouTube.


“Founder of The Empowered Voice and Voices Heard, Claire O’Leary is a survivor of incest. She created Voices Heard as a safe space for survivors of sexual abuse to share their story so they can shatter the silence of their sexual abuse.  Sharing their story empowers survivors to become more confident, feel comfortable in their skin, and be seen and heard. She is shattering the silence of sexual abuse one voice at a time.

Sharing their story empowers survivors to become more confident, feel comfortable in their skin, and be seen and heard. She is the founder of the Empowered Voice Traveling Exhibit, which showcases the stories of sexual abuse survivors, as well as the Voices Heard interactive e-Zine that empowers sexual abuse survivors to shatter their silence thereby healing not only themselves but also others.
Through her Creativity Unleashed program she encourages survivors to unearth/nourish/engage their creativity through expressive arts including visual art, poetry, movement.
Claire’s mission is to lower the average age a CSA (child sexual abuse) suvirvor discloses their abuse from age 18.
Claire shares her own story as a Speaker, Mentor, and Advocate. She is also a Reiki Master and artist, She lives in Colorado with her husband and enjoys being a mother and grandmother to her adorable grandson. She’s an avid reader, meditates and dances her heart out any time she can.”
Find Claire on Facebook, and Instagram.

Website: https://www.empoweredvoicetravelingexhibit.com/




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