Tag: Kaity Rose Holsapple

Kaity Rose Holsapple – Her Temple: A Sanctuary for Your Embodied Healing

Kaity Rose Holsapple – Her Temple: A Sanctuary for Your Embodied Healing

This was another one of those soul sister connections as I engaged in an enlightened conversation with Kaity Rose Holsapple, somatic yoga therapist and founder of Her Temple. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Kaity’s insights on somatic practices to heal trauma wounds
  • her personal journey through sexual trauma into healing
  • her role as a somatic alchemy trainer
  • her philosophies on toning the Vagus nerve
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also catch soundbites of our insightful interview on YouTube.


“Women who have experienced trauma are often blocked from their greatest gifts and superpowers. Kaity Rose Holsapple believes that through healing trauma, women also begin a vital initiation into more Soul Power and aliveness than they’ve ever known.

She knows this firsthand, through her own experience healing from severe PTSD after sexual trauma. This experience brought her to her knees, and she experienced some of the darkest years of her life feeling cut off from her own Soul.

In the years following, she sought support that would allow her to move beyond her victimhood to fully reclaim her body AND spirit in the deepest of ways… she committed to an impressive depth of study, therapy, and self work in the arts of yoga, mindfulness, energy medicine, psychology, and somatic therapies to gain insight on how to heal.

But it was through the wisdom and intuition of her own body that she created her own body of trauma-healing work known as Somatic Yoga Therapy – a blend of body, heart, mind, and soul-work for alchemizing trauma into Soul Power. She currently trains others as Somatic Yoga Therapy practitioners and works 1×1 with survivors of sexual, physical, and relational trauma who are ready to reclaim their power and lives.

What she has found in her work is that SO many people are walking around with residual trauma, feeling stuck, and holding themselves back without even realizing it!”

Connect with Kaity: https://www.hertemplehealing.com/



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