Tag: trauma-informed

Jim Sporleder – Trauma-Informed Consulting & Paper Tigers

Jim Sporleder – Trauma-Informed Consulting & Paper Tigers

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry, Spotify, or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also watch our insightful interview on YouTube.

I am so very grateful to have had the opportunity to sit down with this compassionate soul whom I personally consider to be a trauma-informed guru in the trauma movement. Thank you, Jim Sporleder (I now know how to properly pronounce your name! Ha!) for all you have done and continue to do to spread awareness about the critical need of becoming trauma-informed individuals so as to meet the growing need in our schools and society.

Bio (per his website):

“Jim Sporleder retired in 2014 as Principal of Lincoln High School in Walla Walla, WA.  Under Jim’s leadership, Lincoln High School became a “Trauma Informed” school, gaining national attention due to a dramatic drop in out of school suspensions, increased graduation rates and the number of students going on to post-secondary education.   These dramatic changes at Lincoln caught the attention of Jamie Redford, who spent a year filming the documentary, Paper Tigers, which tells the Lincoln story.  The documentary was released at the May 2015 Seattle International Film Festival and received positive reviews.

Jim is currently working as a trauma-informed coach / consultant as well as a trainer with the Children’s Resilience Initiative, based in Walla Walla.  His travels as a consultant, keynote speaker, presenter and trainer have taken him all over the United States.

Jim is married, has three daughters and six granddaughters.  In his spare time, Jim enjoys fishing, hunting, but most of all spending time with family.”


Find out more about Jim’s inspirational work at https://jimsporlederconsulting.com/.

Peace to you all!

Hope for Healing Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/9813e51db66b/hope-for-healing-newsletter-december-2018

Book Launch Team: https://www.facebook.com/groups/unicornshadows/

Kristina Bechtel – Trauma-Informed Care Social Work

Kristina Bechtel – Trauma-Informed Care Social Work

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I’m your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/
I was so very pleased to share an insightful conversation with Kristina Bechtel regarding her journey through a personal history of early childhood trauma, a discussion on her symptoms surfacing, and her eventual healing journey. Kristina started her career working with the homeless population and has now turned her attention to mental health social work and sharing the trauma-informed care message with helping professions through presentations. Please listen in to Kristina’s powerful story and her passion to spread the trauma-informed care message of hope and healing.
You can contact Kristina for more information on her presentations at:
Phone: 715-523-2282
Email: kbechtel@lacrossecounty.org
Upcoming Speaking Engagement:2018 Wisconsin Peer Recovery Conference: Building Diverse Relationships
Holiday Inn and Convention Center, Stevens Point, Wisconsin
November 1st – 2nd, 2018
The Prevelance of Secondary Trauma in Helping Professionals: How We Keep Ourselves Safe

Peace to you all!
Emily Read Daniels – Here This Now

Emily Read Daniels – Here This Now

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I’m your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on iTunes, Blubrry or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/
I loved this interview with Emily Read Daniels, founder of HereThisNow! Please join us as we discuss trauma-informed trainings, workshops, speaking, blogging, and so much more.
Emily shared the following information:
Thank you, again, for the interview this morning! It was an honor and a pleasure and I do hope we have reason to connect again.
Please find the links you mentioned:
Upcoming October 21-24th Retreat:  The Trauma Informed School 2.0 with Lara Kain
Peace to you all!
Teri Barila – Community Resilience Initiative

Teri Barila – Community Resilience Initiative

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast!

I was excited to connect with Teri Barila, Executive Director of the Community Resilience Initiative and Resilience Trumps Aces organization. On this episode of the podcast, Teri shares her insights with us in regards to the importance of building resilience in children as well as those who have ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) history. We touch on brain development, community impact, and so much more.

The CRI vision and mission are listed on their website as:


All young people thrive and parents raise their children with consistency and nurturance to develop lasting resilience in the community as a whole.


Mobilizing the community through dialogue to radically reduce the number of adverse childhood experiences while building resilience and a more effective service delivery system.

Find out more information about this inspirational organization and all they are doing to help shine the light of hope at:




Teri Barila, Executive Director, Community Resilience Initiative

Thanks for listening in! I would be oh-so-thankful if you could share the podcast, provide your feedback, and/or sign up for my monthly newsletter – all of this can be done through my website at www.teriwellbrock.com.



Chaplain Chris Haughee – Intermountain Ministries

Chaplain Chris Haughee – Intermountain Ministries

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! Thank you for joining me as I engage in a deep and powerful conversation with Chris Haughee about trauma-informed ministry practices and his experience as a chaplain to the children of Intermountain, a residential facility for severely emotionally disturbed children in Helena, Montana.


More information on the interview can be found on my blog at www.unicornshadows.com.

Thank you for listening on iTunes, Blubrry and my website: www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/


Teri Wellbrock

Trauma-Warrior, Author, Speaker, Podcaster, Blogger, Therapy Dog Handler
