Tag: volunteer

Michael Weinberg & Mark Dorsey – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati

Michael Weinberg & Mark Dorsey – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati

Welcome everyone!

Teri was thrilled to sit down with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati volunteer, Mark Dorsey, and Director of Volunteers, Mike Weinberg, to discuss the RMH mission, volunteer opportunities, and so much more.

More information on volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and the services offered by RMH can be found at: https://www.rmhcincinnati.org/

After touring this amazing facility, with its comforting sense of community and warmth, we chatted and laughed our way through a wonderful 45 minutes of inspiration. The hope provided to families as they move along their journey into and through a critical care diagnosis for their child(ren) is heart-touching.

What a blessing to the families, the children, the Cincinnati community . . . the world!

Thank you for your volunteer efforts, your ambassador work, your gift to all who walk through the doors of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati. Thank you for bringing hope, support and joy to the lives of the families and children you serve.


Teri . . . and Mark & Mike

P.S. Dinner was delicious! Thank you, Chef!