Tag: healing

Teri Wellbrock – Podcast Update

Teri Wellbrock – Podcast Update

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! Thank you for being here.

Today Teri provides an update on the podcast schedule change. We will be returning to a bi-weekly schedule beginning immediately. The next podcast will air on Friday, April 13th at 7:00 pm. We are excited about our upcoming guests scheduled for April, May, and June. Stay tuned for more info!

Take care,


Joann Kamphaus – The Secret to a Happy Life

Joann Kamphaus – The Secret to a Happy Life

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast!

Today Teri’s Mom, Joann, aka GJ (for Grandma Joann), joins us on air to discuss her philosophies on living a happy life. Joann will be celebrating her 83rd birthday in late 2018. She is renowned for her ability to make others feel loved and welcomed as well as for her jokes and sense of humor. Teri and Joann discuss love of God, family, humor, forgiveness, and more.

Thanks for tuning in!


Stephanie & Emma Potter – Suicide Awareness

Stephanie & Emma Potter – Suicide Awareness

Welcome everyone! Thank you for joining us as Teri spends time with Emma & Stephanie Potter, discussing their non-profit agency Rob’s Kids, the impact of suicide on their lives, their healing journey thus far, art therapy, signs of depression, seeking help, their heroes, and so much more.

More info on Rob’s Kids mission and story can be found at: http://robskids.org/

Sammie could not stop loving on Emma so grandma snapped a pic of a Sammie kiss in action!

Be gentle with yourselves,

Teri . . . and Stephanie & Emma


Michael Weinberg & Mark Dorsey – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati

Michael Weinberg & Mark Dorsey – Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati

Welcome everyone!

Teri was thrilled to sit down with Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati volunteer, Mark Dorsey, and Director of Volunteers, Mike Weinberg, to discuss the RMH mission, volunteer opportunities, and so much more.

More information on volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and the services offered by RMH can be found at: https://www.rmhcincinnati.org/

After touring this amazing facility, with its comforting sense of community and warmth, we chatted and laughed our way through a wonderful 45 minutes of inspiration. The hope provided to families as they move along their journey into and through a critical care diagnosis for their child(ren) is heart-touching.

What a blessing to the families, the children, the Cincinnati community . . . the world!

Thank you for your volunteer efforts, your ambassador work, your gift to all who walk through the doors of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Greater Cincinnati. Thank you for bringing hope, support and joy to the lives of the families and children you serve.


Teri . . . and Mark & Mike

P.S. Dinner was delicious! Thank you, Chef!

Amy Kleiner – Breast Cancer Journey

Amy Kleiner – Breast Cancer Journey

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast!

Today Teri sits down with breast-cancer-warrior Amy Kleiner to discuss her journey into and beyond her breast cancer diagnosis. This video sums up so much about faith, friendship and support! https://www.facebook.com/WKRCTV/videos/10155631862766992/

Amy also shares her passion for the CancerFree Kids charity organization – which works to help fund children’s cancer research. More information can be found at http://cancerfreekids.org/

Find a quiet space and listen in as Amy shares with us the power of faith, friendship, support and humor on her journey. Amy’s dream job . . . made my heart smile! I’d love to see her make that happen some day.

Peace to you all,

Teri . . . and Amy


Maria Sulcer – “You Can Heal Your Life” Story

Maria Sulcer – “You Can Heal Your Life” Story

Welcome everybody!

Teri enjoys this engaging, informative and inspirational interview with Maria Sulcer, Outreach Specialist at Lindner Center of HOPE, as she shares how she was introduced to the You Can Heal Your Life philosophies of Louise Hay and her journey utilizing those lessons. Listen in to learn about the transformative power of positive affirmations.

Be gentle with yourselves!

Teri . . . and Maria

Maria’s copy of “You Can Heal Your Life” by Louise Hay

Sammie could not stop soul-connecting with Maria, holding “hands”.

When a friend shows up with heart shaped cookies!

Beth Williams – Authenticity and Light Workers

Beth Williams – Authenticity and Light Workers

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast!

Teri is excited to have the authentic, brilliant and soulful light worker, Beth Williams, on air for a conversation about authenticity, anxiety, mental health, coping skills, empathic gifts, being a light worker, connection, healthy uncomfortable vs. unhealthy uncomfortable, and so much more.

Thanks for joining us for this “conversation between friends”!

Peaceful wishes your way,

Teri . . . and Beth

Lisa Frye – A Cancer Journey

Lisa Frye – A Cancer Journey

Welcome Healing Place fans!

Today Teri sits down with the beautiful and brilliant Lisa Frye to discuss her initial cancer diagnosis and journey through treatment, as well as her continued travels along the healing path. Join us for insight, laughter, tears and depth!

More information can be found at: About Lymphoma

Wishes of peace and joy your way,

Teri . . . and Lisa!

Melissa Adamchik – Trauma-Informed Care & TTN

Melissa Adamchik – Trauma-Informed Care & TTN

Welcome everybody!

Tonight we have an extra-special one and a half hour show! Due to 3 weather-related cancellations last week, we decided not to post a podcast last Friday. Therefore, we are making up for that and posting a double show tonight. Yay! So, sit back and enjoy our “conversation between friends” with trauma guru, Melissa Adamchik, Executive Director of the Tristate Trauma Network.

We are happy you have tuned in to The Healing Place Podcast. We discuss the fast-growing framework of trauma-informed care, the mission of The Tristate Trauma Network, along with other trauma-centered subjects.

Be sure to check out the links and videos Melissa mentions on air at their agency website: http://www.tristatetraumanetwork.org/

Be gentle with yourselves!

Teri & Melissa

Amy Smith & Melissa Evans – Lisa’s Legacy & Kawasaki Disease

Amy Smith & Melissa Evans – Lisa’s Legacy & Kawasaki Disease

Welcome to the Healing Place Podcast!

Thank you for joining us this evening as Teri sits down with Amy Connelly Smith and Melissa Graves Evans to discuss the beautiful legacy of Lisa Connelly and the impact of Kawasaki Disease on her life. Amy and Melissa share their insight on the latest developments within the Kawasaki Disease (KD) research arena, offer their thoughts on those currently experiencing life with a KD diagnosis, discuss testing options for those with a history, and offer information about their annual fun walk/run, Lisa’s Miles for Kawasaki Disease, every August in Clermont County, OH. More information can be found at: https://www.facebook.com/SpreadLoveLISASMILES/

We also had a heartwarming conversation about Amy’s sister and Melissa’s dear friend, Lisa, who passed away suddenly two years ago, at age 37, from a heart attack triggered by, at the time unbeknownst to her, complications from KD. Lisa was a bright and shining light in our world and her impact can still be found in the ROAK cards which others pass around in her memory. My time with her was brief, but it left a powerful and lasting impression on me. Just a radiant soul.

Thank you for tuning in!

Be gentle with yourselves,

Teri . . . and Amy and Melissa

#spreadlove #lisasmiles #roak #randomactsofkindness