As an author and motivational speaker, I work to raise the voices of the family secret keepers. As a survivor of child sexual abuse and domestic violence, I know firsthand how critical it is to break the silence. I am on a mission to help other survivors shine a light into the dark places where secrets grow into deep shame. By turning up the volume and turning off the shame, we can return to our true selves. We are not what happened to us—we are the meaning and purpose we give to what happened to us. My story is not for everyone, but for those who need it, I hear you. I see you. It happened to me too.
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Frank Rogers Jr., PhD, is the Muriel Bernice Roberts Professor of Spiritual Formation and Narrative Pedagogy at Claremont School of Theology. He’s a spiritual director, speaker, retreat leader, and the author of Practicing Compassion, Compassion in Practice: The Way of Jesus, and The God of Shattered Glass: A Novel. He focuses on spirituality that is contemplative, creative, and socially liberative. He is the co-founder of the Center for Engaged Compassion and lives in Southern California with his wife Dr. Alane Daugherty, with whom he shares three young adult sons.
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So very blessed to have welcomed, Elizabeth Kipp, addiction recovery coach, ancestral clearing practitioner, yoga and meditation teacher specializing in chronic pain, stress management and trauma informed yoga teacher, and author, to share her healing insights. Please join us as we discuss:
Elizabeth’s insights on healing chronic pain
her personal story of triumph after living with chronic pain for decades
the practice of yoga and meditation as healing tools
her book The Way Through Chronic Pain: Tools to Reclaim Your Healing Power
Chronic is ANY pain – physical, emotional, or spiritual – that is felt for 15 days out of 30 for three months or more. Chronic pain can be healed without addictive pain medications.
She lives in Lawrence, Kansas, where she helps people find and build a stable recovery path. Along with her prolific writing, she practices and teaches Trauma-Informed Yoga and Ancestral Clearing.
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A captivating conversation with Warwick Fairfax, best-selling author, storyteller, host of Beyond the Crucible podcast, speaker, and ICF-certified coach. Please join us as we discuss:
Warwick’s insights on crucibles
his personal story of triumph
the utilization of forgiveness in moving beyond the trauma
Warwick Fairfax is the founder of Beyond the Crucible, a philosophical and practical breakthrough for turning business and personal failures into the fuel for igniting a life of significance. Forbes has hailed him as offering “compelling insights for anyone who would like to wake up feeling inspired by their work but doesn’t.”
Those insights are rooted not in a checklist of glib to-do’s but in his own experience at the epicenter of one of the most spectacular business failures in the history of his home nation of Australia, as well as scientifically valid data his company commissioned that found a staggering 72 percent of people have experienced an event so traumatic it fundamentally altered the course of their lives. Those are the “crucible experiences” he helps people move beyond.
Fairfax was only 26 when, as the fifth-generation heir to the media empire bearing his family name, he led — and lost — a multibillion-dollar public takeover bid. The result? The company founded by his great-great grandfather slipped from family control after 150 years, leaving him to examine not only his own shortcomings and losses, but also his life’s principles and the lessons he learned from family members who came before him and some of history’s greatest leaders. By sharing these insights as a leadership adviser, Fairfax enables others to learn from their own crucible experiences and emerge to lead lives rooted in their unique designs.
Beyond the Crucible’s quantitative data from more than 11,000 respondents shows great need for the hope and equipping Fairfax’s experience and perspective spotlight. That data additionally found that 42 percent of men and women who have suffered a crucible experience — including accomplished professionals and business leaders — admit to being held back from living the lives they truly want by those setbacks and failures.
Fairfax has also captured, on his podcast Beyond the Crucible, a collection of stories nearing 100 from a vast array of leaders who have leveraged their crucible moments to bounce forward into lives of fresh, fulfilling significance. He has identified the growth milestones and emotional beats all journeys from crucible to significance take — no matter how diverse or unique the stories and people behind them are.
He is the Wall Street Journal best-selling author of Crucible Leadership: Embrace Your Trials to Lead a Life of Significance (Mount Tabor Media, 2021). In the book, he discusses for the first time his thoughts and actions in launching the John Fairfax Ltd. takeover and explains what he learned about himself from that crushing failure — who he was and was not and what his unique design, purpose, passions and vision really were. He has come to regard the loss of the company, as painful as it was, as a gift that allows him to live a life on purpose dedicated to serving others.
Fairfax holds an undergraduate degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Oxford University and earned his MBA from Harvard Business School. He is an International Coach Federation (ICF) certified executive coach and an Elder at Bay Area Community Church. He lives in Annapolis, Maryland, with his wife, Gale. They have three adult children who are in the process of developing their own unique paths to lives of significance.
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Such a delightful conversation with today’s guest, Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo, creator of SWAGGER U, Transformational Expert, and Performance Coach. Please join us as we discuss:
Jennifer Mrozek Sukalo, author or Claim Your SWAGGER, which is a self-help book to help readers pull themselves out of whatever ruts they may be stuck in due to trauma, burnout, insecurity, and more?
Jennifer is a Transformational Expert whose work has appeared in Fast Company, Livestrong, Prevention Magazine and more. She was most recently seen on CBS Good Day Sacramento, and has coached over 50,000 high-performing individuals at various multinational Fortune 500 companies, as well as cancer survivors, to transform their lives through behavior science-informed exercises.
The first book, of three, is a culmination of lessons and insight that companies have paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for, now available to the public. Jennifer’s background on helping others find sustained purpose and joy through discipline, practice, and patience is key to her success.
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As the writing begins for The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook, the second installment in The Fix Yourself empowerment series, author and therapist Faust Ruggiero continues in his mission to help people connect with the power they already have inside them. With the overwhelming success of The Fix Yourself Handbook, he has become one of the most sought-after self-empowerment authors. A therapist in private practice for over thirty years, Faust Ruggiero published The Fix Yourself Handbook, which presents the Process Way of Life, an approach that is the culmination of over twenty years of research, program development, and counseling application. It has helped to change the lives of over two-thousand clients in his private practice. The book is a nonfiction award recipient from the Nonfiction Authors Association, Literary Titan, and Reader’s Favorite. The excitement surrounding the anticipated release of The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook is setting the stage for the next level of the ground-breaking, step-by-step fix yourself approach set forth in the first installment.
Who among us has not struggled with fear, anxiety, and anger, with no way to move beyond the negativity that surrounds our lives? There is a straightforward, methodical way to overcome feelings of distress, one that provides the exact steps we all need to bring us to personal peace and productivity. It’s called the Process Way of Life. Clinical Therapist, and award-winning author Faust Ruggiero explained the Process in his previous release, The Fix Yourself Handbook, heralded as one of the most straight forward, and easy to apply self-help books. The Process Way of Life has helped thousands to live happier, and healthier lives. In The Fix Your Anxiety Handbook, Ruggiero takes us on an insightful journey through the horrors of anxiety, and on to a life filled with enhanced control, love, and peace.
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DANIELLE BRAZANT is a Speaker, Writer and Presenter. She travels the country captivating audiences with her Dynamic presence and Inspiring story. It began in 2012. That year, Danielle suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury in a near fatal car accident. She had to relearn how to walk, read and chew food. As difficult as the medical recovery was, the REAL recovery had just begun, after she finished retracing the learning pathways of childhood. After becoming suicidal, Danielle decided to piece back together the fragments of her life. Determined not JUST to Survive, but to Thrive. In 2018, she self-published her book “Maximizing Your Potential: How to Start the Journey Towards True Happiness in Life.” Now, she teaches others the Lessons she learned overcoming Tragedy and discovering Triumph, in the wake of the Brain Injury that caused unbelievable Pain, Heartache and almost led to Suicide.
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Another empowering and incredibly enlightening conversation! This week, Jaime Mahler MS, LMHC, New York-based psychotherapist and mental health educator behind the popular Recollected Self social media brand, joins me on air. Please join us as we discuss:
the inspiration behind Jaime’s book Toxic Relationship Recovery: Your Guide to Identifying Toxic Partners, Leaving Unhealthy Dynamics, and Healing Emotional Wounds After Breakup
JAIME MAHLER, MS, LMHC, is the New York-based psychotherapist and mental health educator behind the popular Recollected Self social media brand. Mahler’s therapeutic education on trauma and toxic relationships has gone viral on TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube with millions of views and likes. In addition to becoming the trusted empathetic resource for her many followers, Jaime is a noted mental health contributor for outlets such as USA TODAY, NBC News, Bustle, Insider, Parade, and more. She is actively engaging in conversations around trauma healing and toxic relationship dynamics through her social channels and popular mental health podcast, Unlearned.
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After a two-month hiatus for a grief journey, I’m back!! Here is the link I promised to share in the mid-episode conversation with Scott Summers:
I appeared flabbergasted throughout this powerful conversation with Amanda Blackwood, survivor of human trafficking, accomplished artist and author, public speaker, podcast host, and trauma recovery mentor, because I was! Please join us as we discuss:
the inspiration behind her work as a trauma recovery mentor
her powerful story of survival through THREE human trafficking journeys
From Mess to Messenger: Overcoming human trafficking was no small miracle.
Amanda Blackwood is a survivor of human trafficking who is now an accomplished artist and author, public speaker, podcast host, and trauma recovery mentor. Despite the numerous challenges she faced, she was able to emerge stronger with the help of her faith. Amanda has shared her story on various platforms such as international summits and radio programs, and has published over a dozen books. Her two main podcast seek to provide insights into healing from trauma. Always looking for a way to help, a portion of every book Amanda sells will go to help fight human trafficking. Amanda lives in Denver, Colorado with her rescue cats and supportive husband who keep her sane.
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I so much enjoyed this enlightening conversation with Antonia, Registered Psychotherapist, Plant Medicine Integration Counselor, Transmuter/Facilitator, Ayurvedic Counselor, Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Author, Retreat Facilitator, and is now in training for Plant Medicine Facilitation. Please join us as we discuss:
the inspiration behind her book, Dismantling The 3rd Dimension – Transforming our Trauma on the Road from Tribe to Collective
her philosophies on generational and ancestral trauma
her role as counselor
the implications of Ayurvedic approaches to healing
Antonia’s accelerated transformation started in 2006 when she discovered her capacity to dissolve lifetimes of pain in her own body through a harrowing journey inward. Raising the vibration by inviting a deep seeing of the truth of pain, she now assists clients in enabling their process of dissolution of ancient trauma stories.
Antonia spent the early decades building up knowledge, intellect, data, and credibility. Now she is learning to unlearn. To expand awareness, she disassembles the infrastructure of the mind and surrenders it to the heart. As an integrative therapist, she blends Western modalities of therapeutic relationship with the metaphysical transmutation of the trauma of separation. Antonia helps people see the pain as a signal and opportunity for expansion; to bring awareness to pain and integrate our hidden suffering into the greater whole. She takes people into deeper levels of seeing and knowing through her one-on-one healing sessions, online modules, workshops, and retreats.
Her goal is to assist healers, seekers, and psychonauts get ready for a wave of healing as our collective, ancient traumas surface more rapidly and readily on our path to the next reality. This is her passion. This is her destiny. This is her collective.
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